SEARS LIKE CAST IRON: No other saute pan has it. Exclusive SearTech technology combines an innovative base and stainless-steel mesh engineered to keep oil in the middle of the sauteuse, letting heat and fats unite for incredible caramelization and browning. Create the best flavors without the bulky weight, difficult cleanup, or need for complicated seasoning.
INNOVATIVE BASE: Hybrid nonstick saute pan features a thick, uniquely constructed stainless-steel base that delivers incredibly even heat on any cooktop, including induction.
CRAFTED COOKWARE: Lighter than cast iron with the convenience of dual-riveted handles, a tempered glass lid, and easy, dishwasher safe cleanup.
Body Material: Aluminum
Interior Surface: Nonstick, Steel Mesh
Handles: Stainless Steel
Lid Material: Tempered Glass
Dishwasher Safe: Yes
Induction Suitable: Yes
Oven-safe Temperature: 500°F